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Apartment rental platform


Website for tenants and building managements to arrange apartment move ins and moved outs.

An all-in-one online hub for building information, moving procedures and building announcements. Making building management and apartment living a seamless experience for all.

The website provides interfaces to arrange moving in and moving out of the apartments for 3 types of users - residents, building managers and real estate agents.

Building managers can manage all their buildings 24/7: Connect with all residents – residing owners, non-residing owners and tenants. Forget printing A4 flyers, send important building announcements to one, some or all residents by SMS or email.

Residents access all their building information online saving managers a substantial amount of time. Know who is living in their buildings – residents book their move-in or out and managers receive an immediate email notification with all the information. Manage their common areas efficiently with an intuitive booking system for areas such as BBQs and SPAs.

Residents can search for buildings, select a certain apartment, and book a date and time for moving in or out with an easy-to-use booking system. See their building’s rules and guidelines and access important contact details 24/7 so they know who to call at any time. Have their building information available in one central location. Receive important building updates and notifications from Building Management by SMS or email.
Real Estate Agents can have access to all their tenant’s building information in one central location. Save time by directing all their tenant’s inquiries to the administrator. Know who to call on behalf of their tenants if there are any issues. Receive optional email notifications to keep track of any important building announcements your tenants should know about.
Key functionality:
  • Book a Move In/Out
  • Notifications by email and SMS
  • Users management
  • Buildings management
  • Maps integration
Development time
40 weeks 1 developer