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Voice based question-answer application for Android


Native Android NLP application that answers user questions and checks corectness of the answers given by the user.

We’ve developed an Android application with voice typing, allowing to ask a number of specific questions and get the answers from the application.

Testing functionality was also realized: within a certain time frame the application asks questions and checks the correctness of the answers given by the user. Answer correctness check and database searching are based on the keywords selected after excluding stop words and stemming the text received as a result of conversion from recorded sound to text.

Speech-to-text functionality is realized by using Microsoft Cognitive Services for speech recognition. The other way conversion (text-to-speech) is realized by using standard Android resources.

Key functionality:

  • text to speech conversion
  • speech to text conversion
  • speech recognition
  • audio recording
  • multiple languages support
  • notifications
voice_based_question-answer_2_en (1).jpg
Время разработки
3 недели 1 разработчика